a responsible government would eliminate the terrorist threat, danger....kill them when the attack (do NOT take prisoners of terrorists, dammit!) and if there’s ever another big Arab terrorist or military attack then may they wind up far far far east of Jordan (or sent to Allah in Hell!)
capturing terorrist murderers and then jailing them (in a state with almost zero death penalty in actual practice) means Israel just rewards the Islamic terrorists (with long-term or lifetime room, board, free education, and all the rest)
Amalek must be destroyed, and before he can attack you again too...... and most definitely not rewarded or treated like he just stole a six pack of beer
If you don’t take prisoners, how do you pump them for intelligence and make him rat out his fellow terrorists, until he has to be kept apart from them after you capture them, so that as his reward for ratting them out, they can’t kill him.