This is inone Texan (by choice) that would welcome you back. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Texas seceded and all of what was the Republic of Texas came with us.
This is inone Texan (by choice) that would welcome you back.
It could happen. I dearly love my Wyoming home, I've got good neighbors, and I surely do miss the place when I'm not there. But Texas will always be a part of me too. And milady is right fond of the place as well; if not permanent residents, we'll for sure be frequent vacationers.
Wouldnt it be wonderful if Texas seceded and all of what was the Republic of Texas came with us. Texas doesn't have to secede. Texas joined the US by treaty as a sovereign state, and if that treaty or the constitutional compact is abrogated, the treaty is null and void, and Texas reverts to a sovereign nation again. Expect, of course, that Mexico would attempt to retake their former territory by force.
I'd reckon that 'bout 25 million Texans might dispute that claim. Twenty-five million armed Texans. Including the ones out by the former Pantex site near Amarillo and the old Medina Complex at San Antonio.