Expect ito get much worse.
Medicare and Tricare Life or Prime are dictatorships where your health is concerned. I tried getting as much done before DUMBOCARE screwed up things, but more keep popping up. Getting old is not for the faint of heart. Not only worse but more expensive. Which is why we doubled house payments, 6 months will see the house paid for.
And I’m caught in the DEA pain mess to boot. And all I take is Valium for Meniere’s and Fibromyalgia, yet PCP is terrified to script for the dosage I need, the max FDA allows, Pain doc set the dose years ago, I don’t get high or giggly on it, it just takes a level 10 pain to a 5. The normal drug for Meniere’s is Meclizine and it is a total failure. Only Valium stops the attacks. The 9th Peripheral Neuropathy drug’s side effects finally kicked in, not ones you can tolerate. If I were a Diabetic all the PN needs are taken care of, but since I’m not they only cover Neurologist and meds.
GOP is starting to unearth the waste and fraud in Medicare.
This is just 1 drug, no one has followed the money trail that leads back to some congress critters. Just like the waste and Fraud Dr. Carson is discovering in HUD. Private ins won’t even cover this dubious drug. Side effects are real bad according to RXList.com
Wikipedia has more info on the companies, but don’t tie it to Big Pharma super pacs funding congress critters.