So Trump gets more concessions from conservatives by threatening to cater to the Democrats. Trump wins, but conservatives and the people who voted for him to repeal Obamacare lose.
I didn't think that would have been greeted with so much glee on Free Republic, which is still supposed to be a conservative site.
Not glee. Just observing what is happening.
It is quite strange to see so-called conservatives who think we cannot get rid of AHCA without an apocalypse. Fact is, almost all politicians love it, Trump included. It doesn’t hurt them and may, in fact, pad their pockets. It only hurts the citizens of the US. And thus the rearranging of deck chairs.
Besides, while I like almost all that Trump is doing, my big thing is the Wall and immigration. I told myself, if Trump can build the wall and reduce legal immigration anything else is gravy and so I'm sticking with that. I did not and do not have great expectations for things like the health care bill and the deficit.