All I had to do was read the headline. I thought liberals were supposed to be tolerant of different lifestyles.
They’re tolerant of different lifestyles until they discover there actually are different lifestyles.
(Paraphrasing someone else, WF Buckley perhaps)
Some of the most intolerant and non-diverse people I have ever met, were liberals. Their modus operandi is hate. They apply hate labels to everyone, as in, racist, sexist, islamaphobe, homophobe, xenophobe (I don't even know what this last one refers to but they use it all the time to disparage others).
Everything in the world seems to offend them. Almost every word in the English dictionary is considered by them to be a "dog whistle" of some kind, masking the real intent of the speaker or writer. They are very thin-skinned and their "micro-aggressions" are endless. Fragile, self-loathing, miserable people.
That's why I don't know any liberals anymore. Over the last twenty years, I have weaned my self off of them completely. I stay as far away from them as possible.
Life is much more pleasant and enjoyable without them.