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To: FenwickBabbitt

What are you talking about? I already said both these plans are unconstitutional and wrong.

I do not like anything about RinoCare or ObamaCare and I am glad RinoCare was defeated and want ObamaCare repealed. Both are unconstitutional and illegal and even is they were legal, they are wrong.

These democrats already forced EVERYONE (via OCare) to pay for insurance where no one is excluded on preexisting conditions, and a bunch of crap that does not belong in insurance plans is required to be covered by all. That is socialism right there, and that part was left intact by RinoCare.

All I was saying is that RinoCare (which was defeated, yea!) was even more unjust by essentially repealing taxes for ONLY a certain select group of people that had to pay under ObamaCare. (Remember that I do not want either plan.)

As long as they are forcing socialism on us all, they should force it on everyone. Flat tax slightly less bad, not the worse progressive illegal tax like you now seem to be defending.

What you are saying is that I cannot complain about RinoCare converting a socialist plan into an even more socialist/progressive tax, an even worse socialist plan. That’s the meat of it and you did not realize that. Instead you act dramatically about your medical bills.

I would rather leave ObamaCare’s flatter structure while we defeat it than placate a few people so we cannot then get rid of it.

If you are going advocate forcing the people who actually BUY insurance to pay an artificially EVEN HIGHER high price due to Obama’s utopian insurance plan, then do not leave that terrible plan in place and BUY favoritism to it buy exempting SOME people.

That’s just being a Democrat. I know you are not one, but if you think about it, you are defending a terrible plan against a like minded person, like trying to put a dress on a pig, for no good reason.

I am clearly against both ObamaCare and RinoCare so your accusation about me wanting to steal your money is just silly drama that does not educate those who are reading here.

152 posted on 03/28/2017 12:44:57 PM PDT by Weirdad (Orthodox Americanism: It's what's good for the world! (Not communofascism!))
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To: Weirdad
As long as they are forcing socialism on us all, they should force it on everyone.

I’m sorry, but the government forcing people to buy a service they don’t want is a much clearer form of socialism than people choosing of their own free will to buy a service but having to pay more for it because of bad government policies. I can only assume that your worry over your own premiums going up has blinded you from seeing how anti-conservative this stance of yours is. The government doesn’t have a right to put anyone in theoretical chains to keep your costs lower until a better replacement maybe, possibly, eventually comes down the pike. The “I don’t feel fully free, so you must be an even bigger slave” argument just isn’t a good pro-liberty stance.

I never thought I’d see such an impassioned defense of the government enforced mandate (yes, even if you hope it’s only temporary) on a conservative site, while you insult anyone who doesn’t want to be forced by big government to buy insurance as “freeloaders.” Getting rid of the mandate with insurance rates subsequently going up is probably the best way (and perhaps the only way) at this point to get enough people from all sides of the aisle demanding that it be gotten rid for us not to have to endure years more of barely tottering along Obamacare. Having no mandate ensures that Obamacare will collapse much sooner. I personally celebrate the removal of what is by far the most clearly unconstitutional part of Obamacare, even though you appeared to be seething with rage that it may be gone, a stance I’ve never heard from a conservative before.

You must have imagined that I suggested that you couldn’t complain about Ryan’s bill, since I never even mentioned Ryan’s bill anywhere in my comment. I only criticized the stance you took so angrily defending the continuance of huge government control over regular people’s lives. And by the way, your initial rant against what Trump is doing, where you attacked anyone opting out from IRS-enforced socialism, was the biggest example of “silly drama” I saw on this thread, which is what prompted my conservative critique of your stance.

163 posted on 03/28/2017 8:48:08 PM PDT by FenwickBabbitt
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