I don’t understand why the Congress thinks it is the job of the American Gov’t to get into the Health Care Industry, providing people with sexual reorientation procedures, free viagara, breast implants, caring for HIV cases where people COMPLETELY were irresponsible with their sexual choices and activity.
Let the choice and consequence operate in health, if people want to smoke and drink themselves into a stupor, they would die early, we don’t need to spend tons of money to cure people who won’t exercise, eat properly, and worry, living embittered lives that promote all kinds of depression states and makes the USA the major consumer of pills to make them happy.
Let churches insure their own in the flock, cheaper rates for people who don’t eat themselves into the size of a hippo. Let insurance companies reward people who go for regular check ups, and exercise, and reward people to stay well.
Oh, I forget, we live in an upset down world where we now have Bill Clinton giving 200,000 speeches on why we should all practice fidelity,.... and Susan Rice telling us that governments need to start telling the truth. I forgot..Ooops.. never mind..
You’re on a good roll!
In an ideal world I would envision freedom would mean the ability to do pretty much whatever you define as your “pursuit of happiness” regardless of what the gov’t or anyone else thinks. Problem is, sometimes our pursuit infringes on the pursuits of others, so we have laws that go beyond what the Constitution specifically defines. And that leads to the slippery slope we’re now on...
But if the gov’t is going to have a role, at least let’s hope it becomes one like Rand Paul talks about where it removes barriers that increase costs and encourages competition by getting the hell out of the way.