ISPs can now sell your browsing history without permission, thanks to these Senators
Assuming that this resolution passes through the House, which seems likely at this point, your broadband and wireless internet service provider will have free reign to collect and sell personal data along to third parties.
That information may include (but is not limited to!) location, financial, healthcare and browsing data scraped from customers. As a result of the ruling, you can expect ISPs to begin collecting this data by default.
So they can now do it, just like they did yesterday and last week and last month and last year. It was a regulation simply to put Google and Facebook in a better position.
I'm sorry if you fell for the hype hook line and sinker.
Ridiculous. You trust the most ravenous of wolves to guard your hen-house and protect you from the big bad capitalists the ISPS. Communism is what you are for which is government control of the free enterprises.
Government control is not the solution to our problems government control(communism) IS the problem.
repeal all government regulations including your Obama’s meant to destroy freedom on the Internet. Long live freedom = capitalism and the unregulated free market.
government regulations only stifle innovation and investment from ISPs and i’ve talked with ceo’s of ISPS like Century link which agree with me.
Those like you who are willing to give up essential liberty to government goons for a promised benefit or security deserve neither.
to hell with the Gestapo FCC and obama and the communist goons who have destroyed what made America great which is FREEEDOM
Where in the Constitution is it allowed for the federal government to oversee and regulate sure ISPS for some supposed benefit of privacy. you do know that there things called private lawsuits and court of laws for citizens and ISPS to settle such disputes and we don't need government regulators to make sure reality and the free market work when they don't have a clue and are just corrupt weasels out to get greased.
This is a government regulator for the FCC. As you know our glorious leader obama has passed regulations requiring you ISPs to keep consumer data private. I require statistical analysis and reports forms 103290, 2191 A , 19293T , filed in triplicate by . Included are 300 pages of government legalese e and regulations all meant to makes sure ISPs keep consumer data private. It's all for privacy you know and even many on freerepublic support this oversight of government so you know we are legit and not out on the take( but if you include a donation we won't object wink wink).
ISP CEO: I guess we have to hire lawyers to go over these regulations and fill out these regulations and make sure all our employees get training on this so we comply . more expense taken out from our investment for higher speed research.
FCC regulator to ISP CEO : And to make sure you comply the NSA and DHS will monitor all internet communications to make sure you comply with our government privacy regulations