Anyone who supports Communists arresting bakers for making sweet rolls and brownies is certifiably insane.
This needs to be all over Facebook with a clear labelling as an example of Socialist/Communist leadership.
Who can be against sweet rolls and brownies????
The whole thing is bonkers.
Venezuela doesn’t grow wheat - all flour has to be imported using the country’s ever-dwindling foreign currency reserves.
The wheat is provided to bakers who are supposed to produce cheap, baguette-type bread for the locals.
I’m unclear on whether or not the bakers have to pay for the flour. If they do, why should the gub’mint get to them what to do with it? Anyway, 90% for the flour is supposed to be used for baguettes.
But the profit on the bread is very low or non-existent.
So the bakers produce confections with higher profit margin instead.
So, so, so screwed up.
BTW: This is also what “Let them eat cake!” was about.