OK I am not seeing why this is a priority. Really? We have real issues. This is not one.
OK I am not seeing why this is a priority.
It should be a priority, maybe not primary, but certainly secondary
1. It shows that the Trump administration is serious about the Second Amendment and rolling back stupid and counterproductive gun laws. It is hard to off serious arguments against this reform
2. It revitalizes the gun industry for probably the next 20 years. Where silencers are commonly available, nearly all shooters have them, for safety, hunting, and target shooting. Nearly all of Europe has them. Any child with money can buy them over the counter in New Zealand.
3. It makes it easier to recruit noise adverse people into the gun culture. A suppressed/muffled gun is just easier to shoot. A suppressed .22 is a real pleasure to use for instruction.
4. It limits range conflicts with anti-Second Amendmet types.
These are all great reasons, all work to our political benefit. Passage of the HPA would cement Second Amendment Supporters to Trump (and conservatives) for a generation.