How about you and your friends conduct a MODICUM of research and independent though
Interestingly, your kind was no where to be found as “The Great One” smeared and depressed support for the only person who could stop POTUS Hillary and her Constitution destroying SCOTUS for MONTHS on end post GOP convention. How principled and conservative of you Levinites to be AWOL during a historic election.
You are being intellectually dishonest while attempting to project your intellectual superiority. And no better than our local Putinistas who twist themselves into pretzels to defend Putin. I find the Holier than thou “principled conservatives” to be totally without clothes after their selfish conduct in 2016.
And, again, I find the antipathy and rage toward ANY criticism of Trump deeply, extremely troubling and disheartening. It borders on religious fanaticism — “Thou shalt not speak ill of Dear Leader Trump. Period.” Criticizing for the bad, praising for the good — what an outrageous idea.