The traitors are the bastards that voted to put a muslim in the White House in two consecutive elections. Jarrett and the other muslim remained true to their musllim allies. They were never Americans to begin with, but thanks to the sons opf bitches that voted for the muslim, they were given a chance to do unrepairable damage to the United States of America. They never turned their coats, they were for the enemy from the getgo.
Ah yes....true. but they call themselves Americans so that’s why i said traitor.... however now that you mention it a Muslim cannot also be an American because those two philosophies are diametrically opposed to each other. Yes I don’t know how he got voted in once let alone twice - it will always be a mystery to me. But that is how the evil one (Satan) works. He fools people he tricks people they fall for it they think they are doing good they think they are on the side of right and goodness the reality is they are being strung along by the devil and it is now that we are able to hopefully turn the ship around and with Donald Trump’s Presidency being a product of what I believe is divine intervention, we will hopefully see a lot of reconciliation to the evil things that Obama’s administration put forth.