There is WHAT ACTUALLY WORKS, and what will pass muster POLITICALLY. Unfortunately that’s the real world we live in.
I don’t think you’d get even 50 votes for a bill most of us would view as “proper”.
4 GOP Senators already have come out and said they won’t support eliminating the Medicaid expansion, and that’s even with keeping the other stuff. It’s going to be a major fight to get even this through, if that is even possible.
This proposal actually does not surprise me at all. It is exactly the sort of splitting the difference I expected from Republicans. They’ve always done that.
Do Forever This new government program will fix the last government program. EndDo
If car mechanics had the same power they could charge ten thousand dollars to fix brakes. If breaks fail your family dies... so they could get away with it. Right? Just like doctors.
That's what doctors are doing. Then trial lawyers play doctors against their patients for medical lotteries and health insurance companies sit in between it all. Taking equally from doctors, hospitals, patients, and citizens.They're all in on the scam.
Health care would be better and cheaper if CARE was computerized. AND not just billing... for almost all levels of care.