But why should renters get a free pass? Why should I as a property owner pay for the education of the masses? A wheel tax or sales tax is the way to get everyone to pay into the coffers.
Kentucky is one of the worst states in the south for taxes, they tax everything coming and going and still can’t meet their budgets easily. And Tennessee a no income tax state has nice surpluses year in and year out.
I live on the border with TN and many Kentucky residents will buy a lot on the lakes in TN and tag their vehicles over there to avoid the odious property tax Kentucky places annually on their vehicles.
My only complaint is income tax. I moved here from Seattle. High property taxes and sales tax but no income tax.
Also, renters don’t get a pass. The market sets rent based on a host of factors, one of which is any expenses the landlord pays, like taxes. I live fairly close to Columbia, btw.