Could be fishing for something? Eh, but what? Perhaps it's all just what you see is what you get. (and purportedly LE background fwiw).
He is his handle (OR lifted the info off the net so is not) who is;
As Seinfeld would say, "not that there's anything wrong with that"?
I'll leave it at that, and not delve into doxxing, or flag for past times' sake (myself not knowing exactly why things went the way which they did).
Really? So rather than discuss the content it is more about the messenger ?
lol. Can we get back to the story. If anyone really wants to discuss me personally or my resume’ you are welcome to call me. But it is 4:00am CST where I happen to be at the moment. I am going back to sleep, I got a message about this press brief and did not see it on FR so I posted a link with a silly title. I look forward to reading FReeper comments when the sun comes up.