Anyone should be able to sue anyone who calls them a racist and be able to drag them into court to force them to provide objective evidence. Besides a public apology there should be a required 1 year in jail and a minimum fine of 50 percent of the past five years income. Then perhaps the demwit democrats will stop throwing the racist lable every time they have no argument, which is most of the time.
Deal with it jackass! I do not care what a pile of donkey apples thinks.
Here’s the pertinent portion of the transcript.
Reporter: “When you say inner cities, are you gonna include the CBC, mr. President, in the conversations with your urban agenda, your inner city agenda, as well as
Trump: Am I gonnaam I gonna include who?
Reporter: Are you gonna include the Congressional Black Caucus and
Trump: Well, I would. I tell you what, you want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the meeting?
Reporter: No, no, no I’m just a reporter.
Trump: Are they friends of yours?
Reporter: I know some of them
Trump: No, go ahead, set up the meeting. Let’s go. Set up a meeting, I would love to meet with the black caucus. I think it’s great, the Congressional Black Caucus, I think it’s great. I actually thought I had a meeting with Congressman Cummings, and he was all excited, and then he said, oh, I can’t move. It might be bad for me politically. I can’t have that meeting. I was all set to have that meeting. You know we called him and called him. And he was all set. I spoke to him on the phone, a nice guy.
Reporter: I hear he wanted that meeting with you as well.
Trump: He wanted it. But we called called called called. I can’t make a meeting with him. Every day, I walk in, I said, I would like to meet with him, because I do want to solve the problem. But he probably was told by Schumer or somebody like that, some other lightweight.
He was probably told he was probably told, don’t meet with Trump. It’s bad politics. That’s part of the problem in this country. Okay. One more.”
The CBC is all talk. They refused Trump’s offer to meet. Presumably the offer is outstanding.
Obviously they would rather stand on the sidelines and hurl epithets.
Chicagoans and other black urban dwellers in crime-ridden, gun-shot riddled cities know where to lay blame now.
First name Hakeem?
I think the first issue to be resolved is, does he believe in Sharia?
There. I fixed it.