Understand but I am not hearing any opposition to his views on MATTERS PERTINENT TO HIS JOB, LABOR. Labor is not DHS so Puzder would have no opportunity to influence border policy. His purview would be regulations and how they stifle businesses and business startups.
Your examples:
Taney was in line for Sec Treas and was grilled on matters of a Bank of US which was directly in his job descript.
Richardson was in league with crooks, knowingly or not. Can’t have that period FULL STOP.
Daschle was a crook as evidenced by his corruption. Again FULL STOP.
Puzder has an opinion on open borders IRRELEVANT! That subject belongs to General Kelly in DHS.
Puzder had a maid who was illegal. Did he know she was illegal? Maybe she was hired via a service that did not screen her properly.
I once hired a subcontractor for a project who went and hired a whole group of illegals. When I found out about it, I fired him. But it could be said that I hired illegals. It could also have been that I didn’t uncover my sub had hired illegals because it might have been possible that he got them to do what he wanted before I noticed. I uncovered it via a site check which was a bit of luck. But who was responsible here? Have to look hard at the facts and not hang a person for no good reason. I would have told some of those perfumed GOP poofs on the Senate floor to go eff themselves.
Every point you made could be 100% valid. Mr. Puzder still WITHDREW HIS NAME from consideration before he could defend himself and his positions before a Senate sub-committee.
The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the Department of Labor has primary jurisdiction when it comes to enforcing fair labor standards. It is their job to crack down on employers who are employing undocumented workers. The Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division has a memorandum of understanding with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under which they can give temporary legal status to undocumented workers if they’re needed as witnesses in a case against a major employer who hires illegal aliens.
I would expect the Trump administration to greatly expand the number of Labor Department Wage and Hour Division investigators.