DON'T believe me. Look it up on ANY site. The SURVEY method is notoriously flawed.
Survey takers CHOOSE the city/town/burg.
They choose the part of town to survey and the part of town to ignore.
They choose the gender, age and race of their sample...and the same to ignore.
They might even decide to choose folks who are walking a dog or pushing a baby stroller.
They choose the questions, the TYPE of questions, to ask.
They do or do NOT do follow-ups the next day in that same area.
I cannot recall ALL the flaws of the "survey method" but it IS the MOST flawed. The reasons are pretty simple as well.
I assume that it's been a while since you took stat classes. FReegards.
So then you reject the demographic information cited in the article as incorrect? What makes you conclude that Barna would publish what you conclude is poor research?