From his daughter:
“I told the truth. I am not sorry for telling the truth, and I am not sorry for standing up for myself,” explained Sheila Smith.
Smith’s father, Leslie Ray Charping, died of cancer last month. But he wasn’t a good man. He served time in prison and was, by several accounts, both physically and verbally abusive. So, Smith wrote a scathing obituary for her father, calling him evil and offensive.
“For someone that knew him and family members that knew him and to see something on there was a complete lie would’ve been an insult to everyone that he did bad things to,” Smith explained. “I couldn’t write that in good conscience because it’s not going to bring closure to anyone or to myself.”
The obituary has been so popular it even crashed the funeral home’s website.
Smith has received thousands of positive and negative reactions.
“When you don’t talk about it and you don’t acknowledge the problem even exists, it just grows,” she said. “It’s not going to stop until people say, ‘this is a problem’ and they talk about it.
In case you were wondering, Smith is paying for her father’s cremation.
Charping didn’t have any insurance.
She’s raised well enough not to have dumped his worthless butt in a Potters Field
Do they still have Potters Fields I wonder
The woman is a low life. The proper thing to do would be to pay for the cheapest burial possible, and walk away. Keep it under your Stetson. Show a little class.
Why do women always harp on Standing Up For Themselves
“I feel therefore I must be heard”
Validate me