Back when obamacare was being debated and the public was wailing about how bad the system was, I asked those that were talking to me: Will you name one person that you personally knew that died because a doctor refused to treat them because they could not afford to pay? Not one could say that they did.
Sanders is redefining the meaning of the word “Right” ( as in — I have the “right” to this or that ).
“Rights” as defined by the founders are those prerogatives the individual have that are FREE from government interference.
Sanders and Obama are redefining “rights” to mean services the government is obligated to provide to the individual, with attendant means to fund and enforce those obligations (which means either taxing, borrowing or printing money ).
Meaning, to the individual, Sanders ‘rights’ aren’t really rights at all. Much the opposite - they are entitlements.
The original and true meaning of “rights” however, are a person’s rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. These don’t require a single thing from another human being. Only that your rights and mine not be interfered with.
So, by Bernie Sander’s lights, His so called “right to healthcare” would require healthcare providers to work for you. Someone else must act for you to get healthcare.
So, if that right exists as Sanders insist it should, then payment is no impediment in that the right must supersede other concerns.
A “right” to healthcare then necessarily requires that all healthcare workers be slaves to your needs.