“Ok. Post the time and location of the next protest you are leading and I will follow you into battle.
Until then, you are just pontificating.”
I’m not your mom, dude! Are you not a self-starter?
Your are looking for yet another justification to sit on your ass.
I DONT need to lead you, you need to get up and LEAD YOURSELF.
I’ve been busy the past 4 months writing, calling, being active on half a dozen websites where we are engaging in efforts to push back against a massive propaganda machine.
This takes place on my days off, before work, after work, on my breaks at work.
I’m also sending money to (as of today) 12 YouTube channels where the people there have quite their jobs, and are working full-time to be the alternative media to help counter the left in their own way.
The point is that “I have to work” is a bunch of bull right up there with “I’m too busy taking my kids to soccer practice”.
You think I want to do this all damn day? I’d rather be watching TV or not neglecting other crap I’d rather do instead of being on month THIRTEENTH of non-stop politicking and debating, and countering stupid leftists.
But I’d rather not see some shooting war start where we will find ourselves with even less free time.
What I thought. Pontification. Feel good?