“No, you go after the abortionist and the solicitor.”
Abortions do not take place unless the woman consents to the homicide of her child.
She is the responsible party.
You’re cutting to the chase way too quickly. That might make the issue more appealing to you, but the actual discussion is already far beyond that.
I don’t think there is room in the jails and as of present law the abortions are legal. What we think is murder is not murder in the eyes of the law.
That is why we must change the law to a compromise standard that we can live with. Either a very short window, during which many fetuses do not survive in any case(1) < 8 weeks, or a compromise window of 12 weeks so that severe genetic abnormalities can be detected.
After that there should be a clear legal basis for a life that has rights and must be taken into account.
(1) EarlyPregnancyFailure EPF is an inclusive term that comprises incomplete, complete, or inevitable spontaneous abortion; anembryonic gestation (blighted ovum); and embryonic demise (missed abortion) at less than 14 weeks.2
Approximately 15% to 20% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in EPF. Many EPFs occur before pregnancies have been clinically recognized (that is, women mistake them for “late cycles”). It is estimated that up to 60% of all conceptions end in early losses. Chromosomal abnormalities, most commonly translocations and aneuploidy, are responsible for more than half of all spontaneous EPFs. Other genetic defects that are currently impossible to discern by simple karyotype may be the cause of many spontaneous losses.