So far President Trump is surrounding himself with men and women of God who practice their faith. Here are some of the Christians in Trump’s inner circle. Mike Pence, devout Evangelical, Kellyanne Conway, devout Catholic, Sean Spicer, devout Catholic, Mike Pompeo, devout Catholic. Gen John Kelly, devout Catholic, Jeff Sessions, devout Evangelical. Gen Mike Flynn, devout Catholic. Steve Bannon, Devout Catholic. Gen Mattis, Christian. Reince Pribus, Devout Greek Orthodox, Rick Perry, Evangelical.
Correction: Mike Pompeo is a very devout Presbyterian.
I’m glad you didn’t put ‘devout’ ahead of Christian for General Mattis, because here in his hometown he wouldn’t be characterized that way. Not saying he is a weak Christian, but external appearances would not suggest a lot of religious fervor. He did recently attend an Episcopal service in D.C.