Disagree. There are plenty of people who were not ‘junkies’ who have died from opioid prescriptions that were in legitimate pain, but took too many. Rush was in it pretty deep when he finally got busted and it all began with a back injury.
And as the price of heroin drops it will overtake the prescription opioid death rate. Plus, now that they have added the fentanyl to the heroin, it has become very dangerous.
“Disagree. There are plenty of people who were not junkies who have died from opioid prescriptions that were in legitimate pain, but took too many.”
I am no stranger to the issue.
I have lost a sibling to drugs and have had two very good friends die because they “took too many.”
There was another good friend and band mate that I had to essentially kidnap and hold hostage for him to get clean.
There is little or no difference in the behavior and mindset of the heroin addict and the pharmaceutical addict.
An unethical pill farm? Yeah.
Staff writing scrips without the doctor's permission? Yeah.
Scrip drugs brought over the open border? Yeah