We would save hundreds of billions of dollars and the genuinely poor would still get fed.
Agree, but one step further. Return ALL welfare programs to the State level. Get it completely out of the Federal level. Let each state return to being a laboratory for discovering what works and what will not.
This will also drive people to follow the money to the states that hand out the most, and those states will be the first to fail.
Get rid of the SNAP and EBT cards and instead hand out powdered milk, bags of beans, cans of Spam and TVP, and surplus cheese to the needy at the welfare offices.
We would save hundreds of billions of dollars and the genuinely poor would still get fed.
Please define ‘needy’ and ‘poor’. There’s the rub, no?
Do the ‘needy’ pop-out need brood every 9-mo? Do they buy the latest\greatest electronics\vehicles\etc.? Do they still have A/C, cable, internet, WiFi, phone, etc.?
How ‘bout the ‘poor’? How ‘bout those whom live off savings\under-the-table (never get a ‘pay check’)...along with the points above?
Sorry, but we either HAVE a Constitution, and (some of) the Rights it affirms (5th and 13th specifically), or we are discussing a moot point (being serfs\chattel).
Govt has to ability, no authority, to define ‘charity’, let alone ‘gift’ to those it deems worthy; never a $$ it has that wasn’t taken from another.
Fraud BY and OF govt gets rectified....BY (more) govt? P-L-E-A-S-E.