...”My hope is that these students 20 years from now see the government taking their money and wake up and start using their community organizing tactics against the progressive state.”...
Unfortunately, violence, oppression and fear will be the tools needed to maintain this new “social justice” being designed by the “want-to-be” dictators who now mostly run our colleges and universities. The world they are shaping will be Godless and devoid of the truths of human nature. Once in place, “love thy neighbor and true diversity” will be gone. Raw power without values will rule and situation ethics will be the law. War will be a constant reality with bloodshed everywhere as people decide that freedom is worth giving one’s life for once again. America which has been the grand freedom experiment will be over. What or who will take it’s place is unknown. Now is the time for those who want truth and real justice for all to stand, regardless of what that means. Begin with drug tests for all those in authority over us, especially the American press and college professors. We know Hollywood is drug infested and consider the source when they rant against morality and values. But, those with legislative, news giving, and judicial power need to account for functioning frontal lobes in order to prove that they are not acting through their “lizard” brains when they do their jobs. Because of my profession, I know the drug culture inside and out and I am telling all who read this that it is highly influential in the sad state of affairs we hear about every day of our lives in our own environments, on our televisions and through our other news sources. When small town America has 9 overdoses in a day and four times that one the weekend, one can only imagine how besotted the masses are who do not come to that kind of attention. I believe substance abuse might the most serious problem we face in this country. Is there any power out there who will face it and clean it up? I say, begin with and identify the users. If they have positions in authority over others, replace them with those who have functioning frontal lobes until such time as they can function and reason from a normal state.
“Unfortunately, violence, oppression and fear will be the tools needed to maintain this new social justice being designed by the want-to-be dictators who now mostly run our colleges and universities. “
I would say that the 2nd Amendment is the one thing that has been holding back the dictators from completing their new “social justice.” These dictators across the world have been trying to disarm the people for many years now.
Our well written constitutional 2nd Amendment has been in their way in this country. They know that the 2nd Amendment gives the people an individual right and an individual power; they despise this right and power that we have. Therefore, they know they have to take it away.
After gay rights, abortion, eating out of our substances, throwing us in jail, and many other horrendous atrocities, it will be our, “the bitter clingers,” final emasculation; and they know it.