But no, some genius decided to exert control by franchising and dividing up the market for fast cheap burgers and fries under his brand
Spread the product, maintain the brand, divide the turf/ market, share the wealth with those willing to buy in and live by the rules
What if world relations are reset in a business model. Not the political models
Define the product as stability ( if not peace) and the factors that secure stability ... ( tyranny and oppression and exploitation not being those factors)
Maybe not one brand anymore - US democracy term has been so abused as to lose credibility with a lot of the world so stop thinking about imposing it by force and treachery ( which is the abuse part) - maybe be different brands for Middle East Russia and Asia but not necessarily bad brands if they meet the product specs - stop think of alt brands as enemies
Now divide the turf and agree on the rules - again must not go against the principles of the product
Now define common goals where the franchises work together and otherwise, let them manage their own turf
While assuring no treachery of course
Or your turf gets new management that supports the product
Let MBA’s loose on the world, not politicians!
Just being a bit ridiculously out of the box here!