The issue with Obamacare was the cure was worse then the problem. Getting rid of it and just going back just puts it back to the beginning and provide the Dem's with an issue to run on.
Repeal and Replace
I think anyone receiving medicaid needs to be mandated to maintain $500 in a healthcare savings account at all times and this money should be used to pay for non-emergency healthcare services provided by the ER, the urgent care center, or the EMS. EMTALA has led to widespread fraud, waste, and abuse in the ER which impacts costs throughout the rest of the hospital. That cost gets passed onto consumers and healthcare employees.
Also, it is not uncommon to have individuals visiting the ER 3,4,5 times a month and they all want the same thing-opiates and they all lie and pretend like they have something seriously wrong and get million dollar workups that they will never pay for and that financial loss gets passed along to legitimate consumers and hospital employees. There needs to be a mechanism in place to punish these people for their fraud and to prevent it from occurring. Fraud is costing billions of dollars.
Ultimately, the solution can not be more government or more taxes. That solution has to be rejected. The ultimate solution has to be more good paying jobs and control of fraud. Personally, I'm not at all interested in hearing about any other solutions.