Trump's biggest contribution to American society and culture won't even have anything to do with his policies. His election has changed what ideas and rhetoric are considered acceptable and mainstream.
For instance, before he made building the wall a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, the only acceptable debate between Democrats and Republicans was on how to create a "pathway to citizenship" most effectively. Anything else was considered "extremist" and "fringe." Now immigration restriction is back on the table, however reluctant establishmentarians are to admit to it. The same thing will apply to a whole gamut of issues where the PC Left has either silenced or marginalized the opposition and co-opted the establishment "Right".
Well put.
I agree.
I think we go through big changes societally, which happen too far in every direction sometimes, and they seem way, way, way overdone now. Almost an entire generation now.
This is long overdue.
America is going to be renewed. About darned time.