Good post. Summarized well regarding Soetero/0bama's weird shia/sunni kowtowing. Just wrote about four paragraphs and deleted. Obama is not finished. I also believe the Nobel" whiner wants/demands a place in the UN.
That is one of the lines of thought and it would be powerful position.
My guess is he will keep doing what he was taught to do which is fund raise for his new foundation. The Chicago regime/thugocracy has copied everything that the clinton mob ever did and continue to do so.They have few ideas of their own.
Fund raising keeps him useful and still relevant. Other wise who needs a gay, partially black, narcissist, muslim wannabe. Anyone who can extort dough from the commies still left in the rat party is a rock star. Every move the regime has made recently is all designed to appeal to the hard left wing of his party and the liberal Jews who hate Israel more than they love communism.MOney=power is all they care about.