I would love to see every American company jump on the Trump train! Prosperity really is just waiting for us to pick it up again.
American companies have been fed the line of crap for so long they believe it. Because it true. The government has broken our country by over regulation and driven the wealth producing machines out of the country and given the unions the paltry scraps in the bottom of the bowl to fight over.
Americans cant buy a decent light bulb or flush their toilets without governmental oversight.
When the President elect tells you the gravy train is coming to a halt, you better listen and adjust or you will will be left in the liberal dust pile on the platform as we pull away from the station.
No one was a bigger complainer than me over the lightbulb/toilet nonsense. I have a few hundred 60 watt bulbs that I thought was so important, but newer LCD are great and even cheaper if you figure longevity. The toilets today work 10 time better than the old ones I removed, just a fact. I never have to double flush, never.
We should expect things to improve but in those industries nothing was going to happen. On the other hand those Clinton close washers are a joke, and way over priced.