Last I heard those things were eating up carrier decks because of exhaust temps. Did they find a solution?
I flew C-2A’s in Japan and Coronado. I heard the Osprey is replacing them. Osprey is neat, love the VSTOL... But yellow shirts, Handlers, LSO’s and Air Bosses will surely miss the COD trap, tailhook up, wingfold, and taxi clear of the LA (landing area) in 15 seconds as the next airplane rolls into the groove.
Make that a 20 second exit in case of a taxi one wire. :)
Also... I think saying “ability to reach speeds of 280 knots” is pilot talk for “once.” My T34 in Pensacola had a Vne of 280. But achieving that speed would probably shake about 5 or 10 instrument gauges into your lap, I can’t imagine anyone ever trying. New airplanes probably are a much different experience. I’m a dinosaur, like a lot of readers I would imagine.