Everyone misspeaks now and then; does that make it an automatic disqualifier? Should Trump have dropped out after his first gaffe?
The states are entitled to send whomever they want; it's not up to an elitist in DC to accept them or not. Mcconnell should have supported their runs for office because he needed the seats.
Mcconnell didn't reject them because of their supposed lack of qualification; he shunned them because they were Tea Party and he and Boehner Were fending off a surge from their Right.
I agree McConnell could have done more to support them. His behavior does earn ridicule. However, the loss is really the candidates fault. Akin could have walked to victory except for one gaffe. A gaffe is in the eye of the beholder. A democrat never really makes a gaffe because the media covers it up or it is a one day news item and they move on. A republican can make a gaffe even when it is not a gaffe.
So those three did campaign under a different media standard. However, we all know that. If you are not Trump, a gaffe will kill you, especially anything about abortion. At that level of politics, a republican candidate should be able to answer basic questions about abortion without making front page news. Practice answering those questions.
To ask if the democrat opponents were Senate material is a fair question, but I was specifically referring to only the pubs. Their losses hurt since there are 52 votes in the Senate. McCain is going to do what he did to W Bush. He is going to leverage his vote to the max with Trump and Trump will have to listen to him. As McCain votes, so does Graham and then you have a 50/50 tie. I am getting ahead of myself, but 55 votes look better than 52 votes.