What an @ss!
What's his track record?
This ignorant divisive a-hole is going to unleash misery upon the nation.
We already have a shadow government in DC. It’s called the Swamp.
I’m not scared. Obama’s course has run. Anything Obama does will be propped up and pushed by the old Media as Trump forges ahead in the New Media.
I wonder if playing golf will be part of the shadow president’s duties?
Good. The jug-eared anti-American Communist homosexual usurper and his transsexual “wife” can have a front row seat to the dismantling of their Socialist schemes.
Trust me, if Obama and his goons do anything that needs police action, then law enforcement will be chomping at the bit to carry out Trump’s orders. they will gladly take the trash out. They know first hand what an enemy Obama and his BLM’s has been to them. Obama has instigated blacks to the point where he has many a good officers blood on his hands. We’ve NEVER seen an ex-president that so deserves a comeuppance from justice and LE as Obama.
If Obama’s smart he should just slink off and stay out of the way for the rest of his life if he wants to remain a free man.
Obama has met his match. Just let him try this. Trump will be ready for it, and will shame Obama into silence and submission. Trump will take it right to the American people and watch what happens when Obama has to open his door to protesters with signs like “Shut up and go away”.
They used to arrest folks for subversion.
As others have outlined there will be an infinity of DC bureaucrats fighting Trump hope and change every step of the way. They coukd easily be led and directed by S0r0$ through Hussein (piss be upon him).
Obama has done absolutely nothing since he has been president. Now that he is leaving, he wants to do something.
Remove his Secret Service detail for a few days and see what happens...
What has been true about brocko from day one is a two-sided fact: no one respects him; but some find him useful. Once he is out of office, he will still be disrespected; but he will be of no use to anyone. Mark my words. He is done as an influence in America.
What he might be capable of doing on a world forum may be an issue; but I doubt it. He is not respected there, either. He is too lazy anyway, and feckless, effete.
Stick a fork in him; he’s done.
Obama’s 3 rd term
If this happens he will,spend the next 4 years sucking all the oxygen out of the democrat party
Perhaps a gift that will keep,on giving
Imagine the MEdia running obama f or the next 4 years
There’s a ratings winner ....
Said. No. One. Ever.
Whatever Obama chooses to do is immaterial.
What must be done is that his crimes, his treason and his subversion, and that of his administration, must be endlessly exposed and discredited.
Gloves: off.
This is not GW Bush time anymore.
Mr Trump, jail the BASTARD!
A significant part of the opposition always stays in DC, in think tanks and advocacy organizations, law firms, and “journalism.” These people will get just as much traction as the press gives them. But the opposition party ALWAYS has a shadow establishment. It’s the way the rotation of power works.