Trump MUST, MUST, MUST debunk the mythical unemployment rate coming from the BLS. He must clean house in this rigged organization. Because this same crooked outfit will change the formula to show increasing unemployment increasing under Trump. Book it!!!! D.C., every agency and department, needs to be cleaned out. Most are Liberals and Democrats.
“Trump MUST, MUST, MUST debunk the mythical unemployment rate coming from the BLS. He must clean house in this rigged organization.”
He must also fix the consumer price index statistics which exclude food and energy prices.
I'd like to see him issue 2 rates every month: one using obammy's calculus and the real one.
Trump should start on day one by adopting U6 as the official unemployment rate. He has not thing to lose by making the change, but a lot to lose by sticking to U3 and trying to make everybody believe it.
No kidding.
That's why the reported number dropped yet again on obama's last days in office.
That's the new base line.