Precisely! When was Scientific Method discarded by the community of scientists?
The answer is when the first grant check cleared the bank.
Wait until all these “scientists” lose their grants. The MSM will call Trump names because he discontinued funding and he will simply come back with, “if it’s settled sci nice, there is no longer a need to find it.”
Watch their heads explod.
When our all-knowing (gag!) universities and "intellectual" elites decided to adopt what's called "postmodern science."
Science attempts to describe the world independently of belief by seeking universal truths, on the basis of observation, measurement and experimentation. The postmodernist school of thought arose to question these assumptions, postulating that claims about the existence of a real worldthe knowledge of which is attainable as an objective truthhave only been relevant in Western civilization since the Enlightenment.
"In recent decades, the movement has begun to question the validity of claims of scientific truth, whether on the basis of their belonging to larger cultural frames or through heavy criticism of the scientific method
postmodernist thought has mostly gone unnoticed by scientists, despite its growing importance in the twentieth century. The origins of this deconstruction' of the Enlightenment project' can be traced back to Friedrich Nietzsche, who was among the first to question our ability to discern objective truth: 'In so far as the word knowledge' has any meaning, the world is knowable; but it is interpretable otherwise, it has no meaning behind it, but countless meanings' (The Will to Power, 18831888; [1]).
"During the late twentieth century, postmodern philosophy picked up where Nietzsche left off. In his book, Against Method (1975; [2]), philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend argued that the progress of acquiring scientific knowledge is not governed by any useful and universal methodological rules, and summarized this epistemological anarchy as anything goes. Credit Marcel Kuntz, European Molecular Biology Organization