How do missiles launched from submarines do that?
Also, you said we could make Muslims EXTINCT. Now you are saying something very different.
You seem obsessed on another point. If I said we should make Muslims, as such, extinct, I misspoke. I have nothing against the simple goat lovers, the falaffel makers, and the rest of the rank and file jerks. I just want NONE of them here. If you love them so much, join the Demonrat Party that is planning to double down on stupidity by making Muslim Keith Ellison its DNC Chairthing.
I note that you present no practical plan whatsoever for dealing with this menace of Islamolunatics about to be armed with nukes thanks to Obozo and Kerry and a supine GOP Senate caucus that prefers to kiss Obozo's ass rather defend our country or by noting the CONSTITUTIONAL requirement of a vote of 2/3 vote of the Senate to ratify ANY treaty. That does not seem to bother you either. All you seem to have as a plan is Wait forever until we are all dead of old age and whatever you do, don't upset the crazy Muzzies. After all, it is all talk and we can "contain" them while they nuke up and launch on us. Then you will say: But, but, it wasn't supposed to happen that way. How about we guarantee that it won't happen that way by wiping the bastards off the face of the earth?
What would George Patton Do? What would Stormin' Norman do, given a free hand? What would MacArthur do? What would Billy Mitchell do? What would "Bombs Away With Curt LeMay do? Bull Halsey? Ernest King? Hap Arnold? Since Reagan left office, we have not been worthy of their memories.
If your desire for pece at any price prevails, be sensible enough to move out of the path of the radiation from the obvious targets. Barrow, Alaska, perhaps?