Lefties are paranoid...they fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution.
It's gotten so bad, lefties may even have to drink (horrors) domestic beer, and munch heavily salted Lay's potato chips deep-fried in reused "cottonseed oil"....plagued by visions of slave plantations haunting their leftist heads.
(SOB) I just hope to God they wont have to watch Canadian reruns of (gasp) "Father Knows Best."
Why should the Hollywood crowd go to Canada? Canada's 'white world'. Hollywood's sore losers should go to Mexico - or South America or Africa... some 'third world multicultural' society. Are they xenophobes? Afraid to be with people who aren't 'white'? WHOA - - maybe Hollywood types are racists!!!
Choosing white Canada is a racists statement...