“I’ve asked many times on this and other forums...has ANYONE seen an area that has experienced a rise in waters? Not counting sinking land areas. “
Yes, beaches are being lost due to the rising water levels in California. My sister was up here visiting, and I told her global warming is a bunch of crap. She told me about the beaches, the melting glaciers and dying polar bears.
Keep in mind she’s a hard core California Republican that thinks Bush was a great President and Arnie was a great governor. She did vote for Trump.
Beaches regularly erode and tt has nothing to do with AGW or “rising water levels”. The formation and migration of sand is an ongoing geologic process that is more complex than most people realize. The California coast is especially susceptible since the coastal areas are highly active. The currents, waves and mountains combine to create a beautiful, but highly unstable, environment. It’s called nature, and man’s efforts at “preservation” are short-sighted and often more harmful than helpful.
“Stabilizing” efforts such as riprap and seawalls creates a deficit of sediment and exacerbates the issue. Mitigation efforts are costly and rarely effective long term and none of it has anything to do with global warming. All coasts constantly change, and attempting to capture and maintain a particular state is unnatural, and ultimately reveals the hubris of environmentalists. After all, a butterfly under glass is pretty, but the insect probably didn’t get the best end of the deal.
“She told me about the beaches, the melting glaciers and dying polar bears.”
That’s because she is stuck on misinformation.
Sand on beaches ebb and flow with the moon’s cycles, glacial ice is more than it was 10 and 20 years ago and polar bear population has literally exploded from 20 years ago.