My two Obama’s worth: No problem with gays getting married.
Problem with the state requiring churches to recognize those marriages.
Simple, not?
(Not, of course, to liberals, which really do not like logic.)
And note, progressives, that some Christian Churches will accept this, others will not. So, their “solution” will be to force all churches to accept it. And, being progressives, they will exempt the Muzzies. (Because the muzzles will shoot their ass.)
That is pretty much where I am. I voted against it but it has been overturned. Where I hope President Trump will help is through the appointment of justices that will protect church’s religious rights.
If grown adults choose to mock God and His creation, they will answer for it not me.
Problem with the state requiring churches to recognize those marriages.
I think that with a few fringy exceptions most liberals agree with that.
They just don't want to be denied the state benefits of marriage.