Today I had a 78 year old woman in a room at my business. She was ill, yet had an “I Voted” sticker on her shirt. And it had rained cats and dogs all day here.
I said, “Wow, here you are with the “I Voted” sticker on and everything.”
She told me “Today is the FIRST time in my life I have ever voted. I was not about to let that Clinton get in.”
Then we smiled and compared notes on what a CRIMINAL she Hillary is. She has no internet, no smart phone, and yet she is able to stay up and determine in detail the criminality of the Clinton Crime Family.
KEEP PRAYING for revival and reprise of these USA. And when we get it, through that which God ordains, including Donald Trump (and all involved in the effort) winning back our government tonight, thank God for it. And then take action to preserve it!
This world is fallen and will fall, but not the gift God gave us with these USA, and NOT ON OUR WATCH PLEASE, through and with Jesus Christ our Lord!
What a great story! Picked me up a lot.