I’m not going to claim Trump will fare “well” with Hispanics.....and this is purely anecdotal: However we are friends with several Hispanic families; all of whom are Trump supporters, and all of whose families entered our country legally. They continue to hold grudges against those who enter illegally and tell us that not all Hispanics are in lock step against Trump.
Hispanics and Asians who are second and third generation Americans tend to have more diversified political views as they become fully immersed in American culture and see themselves as Americans first and their ethnicity second. Not the case with illegal aliens who want to have the benefits of living in America without immersing themselves in the culture of this country, and here come the Democrats with easy access to Social Security, health coverage and other forms of public assistance on our dime. Guess who the illegals are voting for?
Exactly. Yes, Hillary may get the bulk of the Hispanic vote but it has never been the same sort of monolithic “safe” Democrat vote that Blacks are.
And then throw this wild card in. How many new voters are there going to be? None of the turn out, polling or electoral analysis can begin to make accurate forecasts about how many new voters there are going to be this year. Based on the primary votes, this election is going to turn out voters in different patterns then anything that has gone before.