Some of the missile launch scenes were taken from the TV documentary “First Strike” using real missile combat crews. I once chatted with one of the officers who appeared in the movie and asked him about the post launch scene where the security crew at one of the missile bases were waiting for helicopters to evacuate them to a safe place. He told me there was no such evacuation plan in reality, sending in helicopters to evacuate the crews at the missile fields was a waste of time, as the silos and launch control center would be hit well before the choppers arrived.
I almost started fist fights in the USAF with fellow NCO’s who maintained that during a nuclear war basically every US base was going to be evacuated by air. I asked them were they talking about being evacuated by the planes that were going to be over 100% tied up moving combat troops for at least the first week of a war?
We didn’t have enough transport planes to do the job then and probably still don’t now.