A trump victory will elate me so much, I won't be able to sleep.
A clinton victory will piss me off so badly, I won't be able to sleep.
A tie going into the wee hours will not allow me to remove my attention, and I won't be able to sleep.
Now ... with proper medication and my dear wife .... maybe a few winks ...
Ditto....but substitute ‘husband’ for ‘wife’, for me.......
“A trump victory will elate me so much, I won’t be able to sleep.
A clinton victory will piss me off so badly, I won’t be able to sleep.
A tie going into the wee hours will not allow me to remove my attention, and I won’t be able to sleep.”
Ditto. I just want it to be over. I was so upset when Obama won last time that I tuned out for three years - no TV, no newspaper, no internet news, no news... period. This time, if Trump loses, it’ll be 10X worse than that. I’ll seriously begin thinking if there’s any other country out there I could go to that would take me, since America will be officially over.