1) Is Huma the REASON for the Benghazi attack? Did she give the bad guys some info about Stevens' whereabouts?
2) Is Huma the REASON a helicopter carrying 20 Navy SEALs was shot down in Afghanistan?
3) Is Huma the REASON a top secret reconnaissance drone operated by the U.S. was HIJACKED AND TAKEN BY IRAN?
Inquiring minds want to know!
It would be naive to assume otherwise. There’s a long list of articles questioning her, going back a long time. She was born here but moved to the ME at 2yrs old, came back for college. Her whole family appear to be radicals. I think this is going to explode wide open. No wonder Hillary doesn’t want her around. The only reason she’s still alive is that it would now be too obvious (the reason).
This is the one I have been wondering about.