I don’t see this happening. I’m stuck up in Dallas, which may not be as bad as Austin or Houston, but is still pretty liberal. We’ve got Villalba for Christsakes.. However, from the little I’ve seen of my neighborhood, we’ve got a couple yard signs. I’ve seen 3-4 Trump, 3-4 generic Repub, 0 Hillarie, 1 stop Hillarie, and 1 generic Dem.
She’s not taking Texas.
Desperation. When you are losing blue states you need, you try to look elsewhere on the map and identify some red states you might be able to put in play. This is known as a hail Mary.
I live in a fairly liberal area known as the M district.
Every election the same houses have the same democrat yard signs out, Presidential, mid-term, local, you name it, they are out there.
Right now?
And it is like that all over other parts of town, I have seen nothing with the one exception of a lone (1) Trump Pence sign.
Zero yard signs, less than five bumper stickers, total.
(quick update 1 more hillery bumper sticker - Guess the model of the car...)