We don't have any credibility left ... so why not go for broke and publish crap like this?
I would suggest banning posting this poll. It has been consistently pro-Clinton and a gross outlier. It is not credible enough for Free Republic.
And when they rig the election, they can point to the polls. See? The polls said so...it’s all a ruse and fraud. A setup.
This is not just an outlier, it’s in the Australia brush. It would be different if other polls were even close.
Also, this is the poll that scared Trump in FL into staying and abandoning OH and it was trash then. Trump called it a “phony poll” but it’s actually Soviet style propaganda, the bandwagon effect.
Here's your temperament:
Keep running up that big lead, Democrat media, and have the lazy Democrat voters stay home, especially if God sends deliverance in the form of bad weather. Trump’s supporters will not be dissuaded or discouraged and will get to the polls come hell or high water, in spite of the Leftist propaganda that Hillary has won before Nov. 8.
does anyone actually believe that Trump is below 40% when about 70% of the country is pissed off at the Democrats?
That 50% goal can’t be that far away....
Look at the results on the supream court question. They massively over sampled dems in this poll.
They have nothing left but to try to demoralize us because they know that Trump has some real enthusiasm for him and that Hillary's supporters are tepid at best.
Fear is an ugly thing and stinks to high heaven - hope the LSM has a lot of air fresheners in their offices.
One word....folks, As usual this NBC/WSJ Poll is naught but pure...”HOGWASH”!!! End of story!!!
Funny how they use “dealing with women’s issues” as their key driver in running this poll. What about, “dealing with Christian extermination?” “dealing with men’s issues?” “dealing with Isral?”
But no. Which once again means this poll is nothing more than a neocon/liberal anti Trump poll.
Why isn’t there a question on the graph saying:
“Dealing with issues of concern to men”
Election night is gonna be a night to remember. I’m gonna specifically watch NBC News. I want to see the looks on their faces as states like Pennsylvania and Ohio start falling to Trump, and they can’t understand why. I’ll bet someone on one of the networks will be in tears when Trump is announced the winner. There is no way Hillary is up 11 points unless it’s an individual state poll like California or New York!
The Cheap Labor Express can’t afford to lose this election, and they’re pulling out all the stops. Too bad their train is about to hit a wall built by the Deplorables from coast to coast.
How much vote fraud are they planning?
To access the hyperlinks, go to the RCP link at the end. Clicking on either image below will only take you to a photo hosting website.
Doesn’t anyone care about her criminal activities???? Why are Americans so stupid that the continue to elect criminals and liars?
Is Trump a wonderful man of integrity? Cannot say that but he may be heading in that direction and I think he may do what he can to protect America and actually cares about the common good. Perhaps he will stop the forcing of a narrow immoral agenda on the majority of Americans...and this on many fronts.