Who in their right mind would give flight lessons to a Muslim?
Who in their right mind would get in an airplane flown by a Muslim?
Who in their right mind would allow our country to have Muslims flying planes????
Who in their right minds would allow muzzie to be passengers in planes in or coming to US airspace?
Two questions:
1) Did the instructor KNOW that the guy was a muzzie? Yes, his name might have given it away, but it’s not a 100% sure-fire way to tell. If the student TOLD the instructor at some point that he was a practicing Muslim, the lessons should have ended right then and there, and the DHS should have been called immediately.
2) Did the student, in the seconds before he put the plane into the nosedive, yell “Allahu Ackbar”? If so, terrorism. QED.
Who in their right mind would bomb East Hartford?
(just kidding—CT joke :-) )
>Who in their right mind would allow our country to have Muslims flying planes????<
I don’t think we can stop muzzies from applying for pilot jobs at airlines. We shall have muzzie fighter pilots in the USAF and a muzzie commander of a nuclear sub some day. That’s what will happen when you allow the enemy to become a US citizen.