Good summary!
Absolutely false that I ever, at any time, considered dropping out. Politics is a tough business, he gets that. Camerota continues the hot mike "Yeah, Unh huh, Hmmm" crap.
Next Q - If there was evidence that this was more than locker room talk, if he "did it," then would you drop off the ticket? Pence says he takes Trump at his words, brings up Lewinski and Hillary calling Lewinski a narcisisstic loony tune.
Camerota says the same allegations made against Clinton also exist against Trump. NYT profile of Trump and rape accusations. CNN is firmly wedded to the path of personal desctruction. Want to take out Trump with allegations.
Very hostile interview. Pence is calm in defense of Trump, and brings it back to four weeks from now, the people will choose between two futures, people are worried about ISIS, terrorism, the economy, SCOTUS walking away from the constitution. Trump, throiugh the avalance og media attention, refocused the debate on issues.
Camerota beings up the supposed conflict between Pence and Trump in Syria. Radditz misrepresented the statement that Pence made in his national debate. Camerota wants to interrups, Pence plows through to read the VP debate transcript. Military force to secure safe zone, which Radditz confalted into general provocation vs. Russia in Syria. That Trump/Pence are for use of miliary force to secure safe zones, not for regime change.
Camerota tries to spin this into Pence and Trump not communicating, using Trump's "we haven;t talked about" (what Radditz claimed).
Camerota plays a snip of trhe VP debate, but skips the relevant part of the lead in question from the debate moderator. Pence tells the viewer to "look at the whole transcript."