If the left manages to win this thing... what are the Trump voters going to do? I can’t imagine living under hillary for one year... let alone 4.. I thought I’d not survive obama... and if hillary would win, I doubt there would be a country left... or any conservative ever get back in the oval office. if they can manage to use every trick in the book and get her in there.. they can do it again and again.. as long as there is no danger from us polite conservative Christians...
The union isn’t salvageable. Deep down, I think everybody knows it.
If Hillary wins I’m flat out supporting a Texit movement and hoping some other states join in. At some point, gangrene is no longer curable and amputation is your only option. We’re about there.
That is why it is so very serious that we fast and pray. Our Country depends on it, as well as our lives and the lives of our children. This is extremely important!